These days, our precious free time goes to things that don’t fulfill us--mindless scrolling, hate liking, retweeting and wanting people to like what we’re posting.
It’s different on Pinterest. Here, you find and do things that you actually enjoy. And these interests can expand in ways you never saw coming. On Pinterest, the unexpected finds you. The more you explore, the more you discover. The more you discover, the deeper you go. And somewhere along the way, you just might find the things you’re actually into.
You just might surprise yourself.
Made at Droga5 with:
Juliana Cobb (Executive Creative Director)
Tom McQueen (Creative Director)
George McQueen (Creative Director)
Maria Kouninski (Art Director)
Ben Brown (Senior Copywriter)
Jackie Moran (Senior Art Director)
Annie Uzdavinis (Executive Producer)
Sachin Arora (Senior Producer)
Director: Yann Demange
Director of Photography: Xiaolong Liu
Production Designer: Freyja Bardell
Costume Designer: Miyako Bellizzi
Editors: Biff Butler (LF); Dan de Winter (:15s)
Music: Walker
Audio: Joel Waters, Lime Studios
Little Black Book